School Life

In-School Activities

House Cup

PCS uses a comprehensive house point system as part of our welfare system. Students are rewarded for achievements in all aspects of school life – from sport to grades, volunteering at school events to always striving to do their best. 

Students receive house points for their efforts and the winning House at the end of each term is rewarded with a pizza party! In High School, individual student points are tallied, with students receiving Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Awards for reaching house point milestones.

The highlight of the last day of each year is when the overall winner of the House Cup is announced. The winning House for High School and Primary is also announced, along with the highest scoring students from each House.

The Houses are:

  • Endeavour Lions (red) – surnames beginning with A through to G
  • Discovery Eagles (yellow) – H to O
  • Endurance Sharks (blue) – P to Z

Opportunities At PCS

Education at Parkes Christian School is supplemented by a wide-array of academic and co-curricular opportunities, including Sport, Creative Arts and Leadership Development. These opportunities are structured to accommodate different ages and ability levels.

A wide variety of sports are experienced, including tennis, soccer, basketball, netball, league tag, softball, rugby, cricket and many more. All Primary classes have Physical Education lessons each week. During PE lessons, gross and fine motor skills are taught and developed.

We stage a whole school musical every two years and have regular one-act plays and performance evenings throughout the year. We encourage students to be creative and gain the confidence to perform in front of an audience. We also have well-resourced music, visual arts and multimedia departments which allow students to explore their creative talents.

We encourage students to pursue their talents and interests in all areas of life. If students have a passion, we will help them develop it and hopefully make a career out of it.

School Sport

Primary sports days are held one day a week when all students are required to wear their sports uniform. Sport for Infants/Primary students is held at the school with students participating in a variety of physical education activities.

In Term 4 Infants/Primary students participate in the School’s swimming program that is held at the Parkes Town Pool. This is through the ‘Learn to Swim Program’.

High School sports days are held every second Wednesday. Sports uniform is also required one day each week for PDHPE practical lessons. Sport for our High School students is held at the school or at different sporting venues around the town with fully qualified instructors.

Representative Sport

Our students regularly participate in Gala Days and trials for Christian Schools’ Sports Association teams or individual sports. Some of these sports include Rugby Union, Rugby League, Athletics, Hockey, League Tag, Touch Football, Netball, Cricket, Soccer and Swimming.

The PCS Swimming Carnival is held early in Term 1. This carnival is then followed by Far West Zone and State Carnivals.

PCS holds its Athletics Carnival in Term 2. This carnival is currently held at Northparkes Oval. This carnival is then followed by Far West Zone and State Carnivals.

PCS conducts its own ‘King and Queen of the Mountain’ Cross Country Festival on the final day of Term 1. Place-getters in the School Carnival will proceed to the State CSSA Cross Country during Term 2.

High School and Primary Expos

Each year our school conducts an expo for High School and another for Primary. Our students are heavily involved in running the expos which have a focus on showcasing the talents of our students. These events are a wonderful opportunity for our students to develop their leadership and communication skills.

Creative and Performing Arts

Our school has a flourishing Creative and Performing Arts department. Students in Years 9-12 have the opportunity to study Drama, Music, Visual Arts or Multimedia as an elective subject and as part of that explore a range of creative styles and performances.

Students from a variety of classes have participated in school plays, musicals and MADD nights, and in local events such as the Parkes REaDing Day and Community Carols.

Drama classes allow students to ‘play’, work as a performance team and support one another. Students and staff are looking forward to our upcoming musical ‘The Little Mermaid’ in 2021.

Music is experienced by all students at our weekly assemblies and chapel services. Students take part in weekly music classes, and senior students may elect to study music, developing a range of performance, listening and composition skills.

The school’s Choir is well established and has featured at many community performances including Eisteddfods, the annual Community Carols in the Park and visits to Aged Care Facilities.

The school arranges for skilled and qualified music teachers to visit the school, tutoring students in piano, guitar, bass, drums, voice, woodwind and strings.

Extra-curricular Activities

Camps and Excursions

Much benefit is seen in the conducting of school camps and major excursions. We have started booking camps and excursions at the same time each year, so families can make plans around them. The cost of major excursions is built into the school fee structure, however other excursions may come up through the year. All students are expected to attend camps and excursions.

Parkes Show

Students are encouraged to contribute articles for display at the Parkes Show each August. This provides a goal to work towards, and encourages a high standard of workmanship. There is a gazetted half-day holiday on the Tuesday Show afternoon. Our senior students and SRC representatives also volunteer at the Show and help with official duties.

Work Experience

Students in Year 10 are given the opportunity to engage in Work Experience during the second half of July. The students are expected to seek their own work experience employment in an area that is related to their career interests. During Term 2 Work Experience information is sent home, parents are to go through this with their child. Included in this information is a form to be filled out with Work Experience placement information, this is to be returned to the school office. Letters to potential employers and an explanation of the program are available from the School.

School Fees

Bell Times & Term Dates



Get In Touch

For all enquiries please call the school office on 02 6862 4164 or send us a message.