Our School Facilities
Parkes Christian School offers excellent modern facilities for our students and staff, including:

Daily Bus Service
Parkes students traveling to school by bus converge each morning at the bus stop, adjacent to the Parkes High School in Orange Street. A bus collects all students from that point and transports them to the school, arriving at approximately 8:55 am.
In the afternoon a bus transports the students to the bus stop outside Parkes Primary School in Hill Street where they are picked up by town and/or country buses to take them home.
A teacher will provide supervision at the both bus stops each day.
Peak Hill buses interconnect with Parkes Bus Services.
Private Charter Bus from Forbes
Students travelling from Forbes have access to travel by our private charter bus supplied by Western Road Liners. This picks up from several locations around Forbes and travels directly to the school. For further information contact the school office.
Bus passes are required by all students who travel by bus. Forms are available online at the NSW Transport website.
Private Vehicle Conveyancing Subsidy
Private Vehicle Conveyancing subsidy is available from the State Government for families who use their car when and where no alternative bus transport is available. This includes the use of a car to drive the children to and from the nearest bus stop (if more than 1.6 km). Application forms for this subsidy are available through the School Office.