Principal’s Welcome
I am delighted to welcome you to Parkes Christian School. We are a K-12 non-denominational school affiliated with Parkes Community Church.
Since our humble beginnings in 1982, we have grown to become a thriving school community comprised of more than 320 students. We have an engaged parent body and strong links to the broader community of Parkes.
Situated on 16 acres on the outskirts of Parkes, our expansive grounds and rural surroundings help create a peaceful atmosphere which directly impacts the learning environment provided for our students.
Philosophy and Learning
At PCS we operate on the premise that each student is created by God as unique and valuable. Each child has the right to an education where they are recognised as an individual with unique needs. This is reflected in our approach to ensure that each child can access the curriculum with clarity and purpose via appropriate adjustments. We strive to ensure each student is motivated and inspired to become a lover of learning.
We live in a technological age which is advancing at exponential levels. This has dramatic implications for us as an educational institution. The challenge today is not in acquiring and remembering information, but in sorting, organising and interpreting information that is relevant to us. PCS is equipping students with the skills and character traits needed to achieve this. We are preparing students with the capacity to engage and thrive in a rapidly changing workplace, a workplace that requires problem-solving, collaboration and communication skills along with a high level of digital literacy more than ever before.
We aim to produce graduates who are of strong character, empathetic, innovative, resilient and able to adapt to fast-paced environments. At PCS we achieve this through the explicit and direct instruction of skills and competencies needed to succeed according to curriculum requirements. Through the application of skills and competencies, each student has the opportunity to become adept at problem-solving and applying learning to a wide range of real-world scenarios. The focus is on students becoming proficient at generating knowledge, not just retaining it. Beginning at Kindergarten, each child will be equipped with the skills needed to succeed in the 21st Century workforce.
As a faith-based educational institution, our moral purpose is linked directly to the gospel message. Through a carefully constructed biblical curriculum and genuine Christian educators, we develop a biblical worldview in our students; instilling a Bible-based view of the world, God and themselves.
Each student must understand that they were created by God for a purpose, that they are unique and that Jesus came and died for them. We embed Christ in the curriculum by seeking out authentic opportunities for students to see and experience how Christ is evident and relevant in all we do.
I acknowledge that each child must make the decision to follow Christ for themselves. Whilst as a school, we may never see those decisions made, our responsibility as staff is ensuring each precious student in our care, understands the significance of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for their own lives.
I invite you to take the opportunity to come and visit Parkes Christian School and spend time considering how we can effectively partner with you to achieve the best for your child.
Best regards,
Mr Glen Westcott
Principal, Parkes Christian School