7 events found.
Seussical Rehearsals (Angelique, Aimee, Lexi, Abbi, Bird Girls)
Parkes Christian School, 243 Back Trundle Rd, Parkes NSW 2870, AustraliaWeek of Events
Netball Gala Day in Penrith (High School Team)
Our High School Netball Team is competing in the CSSA Netball Gala Day in Penrith. This year PCS is sending two teams - one from Year 7/8 and the other from Year 9/10.ItinerarySunday12.00pm SHARP depart PCS6.30pm Dinner in PenrithMonday9.00am Games begin3.00pm Games finish8.30pm (approx) Students arrive back at PCS. Watch Facebook for updates.Additional InformationStudents need to wear […]
School Photos
School Photos
Our annual School Photo Day is on Monday 29 May.Please remember to be in your full Winter uniform.Individual photo envelopes will be sent home on Thursday 18th May.Every student must present […]
Healthy Harold Visit (Kinder and Year 3)
Healthy Harold Visit (Kinder and Year 3)
Healthy Harold and the Life Education Van will drop by the school!Year 3: 11.15am -12.50pm program Friends & feelingsKinder: 1.30pm - 3pm program My Body Matters The Life Education Van visits […]
Homework Hub (Yrs 2-12)
Homework Hub (Yrs 2-12)
Homework Hub is held on Monday afternoons from 3:07pm to 4pm for students in Years 2 to Years 12. Please ensure prompt pick up at 4pm. If you have any […]
Seussical Rehearsals (Angelique, Aimee, Lexi, Abbi, Bird Girls)
Seussical Rehearsals (Angelique, Aimee, Lexi, Abbi, Bird Girls)
Rehearsals are from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Todays rehearsal is for Songs involving Birds!---------------------------------Please note a few things from Miss Harris:Unless otherwise stated:rehearsals will be in the school hallrehearsals will conclude at […]
Healthy Harold Visit (Year 1, 4 and 6)
Healthy Harold Visit (Year 1, 4 and 6)
Healthy Harold and the Life Education Van will drop by the school!Year 1: 9.15am -10.50am program Ready steady goYear 4: 11.15am -12.50pm program Friends & FeelingsYear 6: 1.30pm -3pm program […]
Pig Education Day Excursion (Yr 9/10 Agriculture)
Pig Education Day Excursion (Yr 9/10 Agriculture)
On Wednesday 31 May, students in the Year 9/10 Agriculture class have been given the opportunity to participate in a Pig Education Day near Forbes to learn about pig parading, presenting pigs for show, auctioneering, young judging, butchering and ultrasound scanning. Students will be interacting with pig producers, and representatives from the Department of Primary Industries, Australian Pork Limited […]
Seussical Rehearsals (Whole Cast)
Seussical Rehearsals (Whole Cast)
Rehearsals are from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Todays rehearsal is for - Run through all large group numbers---------------------------------Please note a few things from Miss Harris:Unless otherwise stated:rehearsals will be in the school […]
Netball Training (High School Team)
Netball Training (High School Team)
Training sessions for our netball team will be on every Wednesday from 3.30pm until 4.30pm at the school. We do realise that some of our team members are involved in […]
Sport: Tennis Coaching (Yrs 3-6 wear Sports Uniform)
Sport: Tennis Coaching (Yrs 3-6 wear Sports Uniform)
Students in Years 3 to 6 will need to wear their sports uniform to school today as they will be participating in some Tennis lessons.Thursday Tennis plan: 11.30am -12pm : Year […]
Seussical Rehearsals (Ashlee, Georgina, Charlotte, Thomas, Whos)
Seussical Rehearsals (Ashlee, Georgina, Charlotte, Thomas, Whos)
Rehearsals are from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Todays rehearsal is for Here on Who, How to Raise a Child, Grinch Scene---------------------------------Please note a few things from Miss Harris:Unless otherwise stated:rehearsals will be […]
Science Fair
Science Fair
Make sure you come along to our first annual PCS Science Fair this Thursday night (1st June) from 7pm in the School Hall. There will be some amazing work on […]
Mufti Day Today
Hot Food Day
Hot Food Day
Parents get a day off making lunches! Cooke Park Cafe is offering a choice of $10 meals for our Hot Food Day.Drinks will be available to purchase for $2 on […]
Primary Assembly (Year 3 Class Leading)
Primary Assembly (Year 3 Class Leading)
Primary Assembly is on every Friday from 2:20pm until 3pm in the school hall.Parents and Friends are welcome to attend.This Friday our Year 3 Class will be leading the assembly […]
Waste to Art – Art Exhibition Opening
Waste to Art – Art Exhibition Opening
The Waste 2 Art Exhibition opens this Saturday (3 June) from 10am to 11am and is being held in the Parkes Shire Coventry room (Shire Library Building).A few of our […]