School Calendar

High School Movie Night (Top Gun Maverick)

Parkes Christian School, 243 Back Trundle Rd, Parkes NSW 2870, Australia

High School students can join us for a movie night on Thursday 29 June, starting at 6pm and finishing at 8:30pm. Movie: Top Gun: Maverick Entry: Gold coin donation Parents […]

Senior Sleepover

In order to celebrate the end of term for our hardworking seniors, and to continue to develop teamwork skills as they move towards their final term together, we are having a […]

Last Day of Term 2

It's the last day of Term 2! We hope you all enjoy your holidays and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 3! Have a safe and happy holiday everyone!

Mini Olympics (Primary)

This Friday we are finishing the term with our annual Mini Olympics!  Students need to dress in the colours of their Countries Flag (their class has chosen).  Students will compete in a range of fun activities for gold, silver and bronze certificates in a fun way to end what has been a very busy term. […]

Mini Olympics (High School)

High School will hold their annual Mini Olympics during Period 5 and 6 this Friday as a fun way of finishing off Term 2. Students need to wear House Colours and enjoy a day of weird and wonderful competition in their class groups.

Get In Touch

For all enquiries please call the school office on 02 6862 4164 or send us a message.