
Student Application for Enrolment

Thank you for considering enrolling your child at Parkes Christian School. We welcome applications from prospective students and families who are committed to the values of the School. Parents are encouraged to contact the School to discuss their child’s educational requirements with us.​

Parkes Christian School offers co-educational opportunities for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Upon lodgement of your Application form, an interview will be arranged with the School Principal. Acceptance for enrolment will depend on the outcome of that interview, and the availability of places within the school. You will be notified in writing of the decision made by the School.

Before starting an Application, please ensure that you have read and understand the following:

  1. Conditions of Enrolment
  2. School Fees
  3. School Uniform Policy

The Enrolment Application Form can be accessed via the links below.

Enrolments and Waiting Pool Criteria

Preference will be give to children who:

  1. Are from families actively involved in a local church (Minister’s reference required)
  2. Have a sibling at Parkes Christian School

The school will also take into consideration:

  • The child’s willingness to contribute to the wider life of the school and support the Christian ethos of the school
  • The child’s level of school readiness, including pre-school enrolment (Kindergarten enrolments only). Parents of Kindergarten enrolments may be requested to obtain a letter from the pre-school outlining the child’s level of school readiness.

All other enrolments will be processed by the order in which they are received.

The Enrolment Process

1. Preamble

Parkes Christian School was established and exists primarily to provide Christian Education for Christian families.

While students do not have to be from a Christian family to attend the school, they must be willing to uphold and respect Christian values. As such all families MUST sign the school’s Statement of Faith as a part of the enrolment process.

2. Pre-Enrolment Phase

The school conducts information evenings for students and their families wishing to enter Kindergarten and Year 7. These evenings are primarily for providing information to prospective parents and students with regards to the expectations, available course options and general administrative functions of the school.

3. Enrolment Application

To enable enquiries for enrolment to proceed to an interview the school requires the following to be returned;

  1. A completed Application for Enrolment Form
  2. Payment of the non-refundable $30 Application Fee
  3. Copies of Birth Certificate/Passport
  4. Current School Reports and Academic Achievements
  5. Specialist Medical or Paramedical reports where necessary (Special Programs)

4. Enrolment Interview

Upon lodgement of your Application form, an interview will be arranged with the School Principal. Acceptance for enrolment will depend on the outcome of that interview, and availability of places within the school. You will be notified in writing of the decision made by the School.

During the interview, you may request for your child to do a Trial Day at the school. This involves your child joining with their current year group for a full day and experiencing a normal day as a PCS student. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to get to know their potential classmates and teachers, and get a feel for the school.

5. Offer of a Position

Upon successful completion of all phases of this process an offer of a position will be extended to the family, (the letter of offer is generally sent to the family at the conclusion of a successful interview and after any consultation with staff that is required) formally offering a position in the school with a specified commencement date. Conditional Enrolment may be offered where it is felt warranted by the Principal. Parents must also purchase the appropriate uniform and then the student(s) should attend the school on the specified day, reporting to the Principal or delegate at the beginning of the day.

6. Post Enrolment Phase/Orientation

New Kindergarten students are invited to attend school for one morning per week over a 8-week period in Term 4 prior to their commencement as full-time students. This allows them to become familiar with teachers, buildings, routines etc. to facilitate their adjustment in coming to school.

Students entering Year 7 are invited to an Orientation Day where they are taken on a tour of the school, introduced to teachers and experience a day in the life of a high school student.

7. Other Considerations

Enrolment in the Overseas Student Program is subject to special conditions and is contingent upon suitable and continuous arrangements being available for accommodation and supervision whilst enrolled at the school.

Get In Touch

For all enquiries please call the school office on 02 6862 4164 or send us a message.