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The thing I love the most about being a teacher is finding new and interesting ways to do things for learning. I also enjoy all the extra things that happen outside the classroom as well! Thinking outside the box is something we…
One of my favourite gospel songs is based on Psalm 104, Bless the Lord O My Soul, sometimes referred to as 10,000 reasons.The Psalm isn’t really that long and is written by Matt Redman and Jonas Myrin, this song has…
Most people know that I have a real love of Lego. Partly because it’s a reminder of my childhood, partly because I’m still a big kid at heart, and partly because it’s just really cool (at least I think so!)…
This week, I thought everyone might enjoy a light-hearted distraction. I decided to use my article to help you all get to know the high school staff a bit better, and expose the secret truth – teachers actually have lives…
Some of you may be a bit over the Tokyo Olympics, but I love it! My love affair with the Olympics began way back in 1984 when my parents bought our first ever VCR so we could record all the…
I know that people have probably heard enough about The Little Mermaid at this point, but I really can’t write an article about the school without talking about this fabulous production. If you haven’t been along to see the show already,…
During this week’s Chapel Service I was lucky enough to be able to get up and speak to our High School students about fear and worry. One thing I am really passionate about is teenagers believing in themselves and not…
Throughout my years teaching senior students I have often talked to them about “The Goldilocks Principle”. I’m sure someone much smarter and wiser than myself thought it up many years ago, but it just popped into my head when I…
We have recently moved into a house on the road that I loved when I was a kid. This is not something I ever expected to do, or even wanted to do, but it’s been a really great experience so…
The student representative council (SRC) participated in the 2021 GRIP leadership conference at Dubbo. The day was filled with enthusiastic presenters that challenged and encouraged the students with their leadership skills and endeavours. The message for the conference was “l…
On Monday night our Hall was buzzing with students getting the first opportunity in 2021 to show off their work and talk about the things going on around our school. Mr Ballantyne said it well when he spoke on Monday…
Our annual High School Expo will be held on Monday, 8 March, and I really hope that everyone can come along and see some of the amazing work done by our students. Our High School Expo is obviously an important…