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As a PE teacher I get to work alongside students and teach a variety of sports and activities. The variety of sports is quite diverse as are the rules that apply to each of them. When we mention rules, sometimes they…
In the morning Staff start their day getting to hear from each other about what God is doing in their lives. We share a small devotion which ranges from Mr Westcott’s epic tales through to a great song we have…
Many people are surprised to know that not only do I love cooking but I do most of it in our house. Don’t get me wrong, Haylz is a great cook and does her fair share, but I’m happy to…
Many conversations are currently taking place both here and around the world about the importance of new and emerging technology and its place in education. We live in an amazing time where we can access anything and everything with just…
I grew up on a large farm about 2 hours west of Parkes in a very small rural community. I would spend my afternoons working with my family on the farm and then my holidays would be spent with my…
I have seen several businesses use this slogan in their advertising, focusing on the quality of their customer service and the happy customers it makes. Though this school year is only 4 weeks old we have already seen many instances…
Last year we spent some time reading through Acts and the life of Paul in the Bible. Students were encouraged by the amazing testimony of a Christian hater turned Jesus follower after a brief encounter with Jesus on the road…
During the week I had the chance to chat to Mr Westcott in an interview for the relaunch of the PCS Podcast. We chatted about a range of things from the new building project, to double streaming Kindergarten, and even…
There are a variety of things you see and hear when you spend some time in our school. Right now I can hear the taping away of keyboards from my Year 8 English class who have begun creating their own…
Change is as good as a holiday and this weekend the High School is all on summer holidays…well kind of! This week we ended our 2023 school year and celebrated a range of students at our Presentation Night. We spent…
In my role at PCS I often get asked what students should be aiming for when they complete their HSC. Essentially, what is education all about? Well, here’s my roundabout answer… As I’m sitting in the school library writing this…
Our Year 12 students are heading into their final week of High School and with that they are about to begin the final tasks of Year 12 including the HSC and their first steps into life beyond school. For some…