Kate Knighton

Kate Knighton

Craft Club


Several months ago, a craft club was established at the school. The aim of the club was to produce pieces of art and craft that could be used as entries to the local shows and to provide children who love…

Lemonade with Year 6


Year 6 have been learning how to write procedures. They have identified that a procedure has a title, aim, list of materials, method and conclusion. Each Year 6 student made a cup of fizzy lemonade then wrote out the procedure.…

Year 7 Geography


While going through our unit on Landscapes and Landforms, the students learned about the different values we give to different places, landscapes and landforms. Whether it be economic, cultural, spiritual or aesthetic, we ascribe a value to every place we…

Writing with Year 2


Year 2 have had a great start to Term 3. We are starting new topics across many subjects and improving our skills in others. This year in writing, we have looked at recounts as one of the main text types.…

Year 3 Receive Bibles!


Last Friday during Primary Assembly, our Year 3 students received their own Holy Bible. The Bibles are a special book we present to each of our students. Our prayer is that you enjoy reading this Bible and discussing it with your…

The last first day!

Year 12 2020

Last week saw our Year 12s experience their last first day ever! That’s right, the last time they’ll ever experience the first day of a new school term. Term 3 is always a highlight of the year for a senior…

Bibles Presented at Assembly


Last Friday Primary held a very special assembly where our very own Kindergarteners received a special gift from the school in the form of their own special Bible which was individually presented to each child on the stage. Mr Westcott…

Solving Problems with Year 5


Year 5 have made a great start to Term 3. One of the challenges that they have been completing is finding problems in their everyday world. For each of these problems, they need to then think of a potential invention…

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For all enquiries please call the school office on 02 6862 4164 or send us a message.