Kate Knighton

Kate Knighton

PCS & The Parkes Show

Did you go to the Parkes Show last week? Perhaps you entered one of the many competitions, had a ride on the dodgem cars, watched the fireworks or even ate a dagwood dog! Did you come and visit the PCS…

You are so close!

Have you ever had to wait for something? Maybe the wait was for a new toy, a car, the end of a Uni degree, someone to come home or just 30 seconds for your porridge to heat up in the…

Forbes Eisteddfod

Last week, selected groups from our school participated in the Forbes Eisteddfod. On Tuesday the Stage 2 students and the 3-12 School Choir attended the Forbes Town Hall. The Choir sang two songs- ‘People Get Ready’ and ‘Consider Christ’ and…

Confidence is Key

Did you see our production of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe last week? What an enormous amount of work went into making it happen. A massive thank you and congratulations to Miss Katrina Harris who directed and produced…

Wiradjuri Language Resources


Thank you to the Galari/Lachlan Reconciliation Group and Northparkes Mines for a pack of Wiradjuri Language resources that have been donated to our school. The pack was presented by Eileen Newport (pictured centre) the co-chair of the Galari/ Lachlan Reconciliation…

Crash and Burn

Like a lot of young boys growing up, I had a healthy fascination with all things rockets and explosions. This interest was much to the dismay of my parents, especially when unsanctioned experiments went wrong from time to time… I…

Fishing, Lego and Robots

I have no problem admitting that I am a fishing tragic. I was that kid religiously watching Rex Hunt’s Fishing Adventures at 5pm each Saturday, being inspired to get out and catch a big trout in the Snowies or a…

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For all enquiries please call the school office on 02 6862 4164 or send us a message.