Hayley Ballantyne

Hayley Ballantyne

The Mighty Parkes Show!

What memories do you have of the Parkes Show growing up? Meeting up with friends, making the $20 dollars mum gave you stretch as far as possible on the rides?! Perhaps you were someone who enjoyed browsing the art entries,…

Not Just Teachers!

This week, I thought everyone might enjoy a light-hearted distraction. I decided to use my article to help you all get to know the high school staff a bit better, and expose the secret truth – teachers actually have lives…

Lights.. Camera.. Action!

The heart of every teacher is to keep quality education going no matter what medium of delivery. PCS has enjoyed four weeks of face to face learning this term and this week teachers effortlessly switched to At Home Learning within…

Count your Blessings.

Watching the news lately can be very deflating. You can sometimes forget all the blessings that surround each of us every day.   A research paper published by Harvard Health Publishing in 2011 (see citation below), investigated the effects of gratitude…

Downhill and Fast!

Do you remember a time when someone taught you something new and exciting? In the holidays we spent some time away with friends in Canberra. The highlight of the trip was the chance to do heaps of mountain biking with…

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For all enquiries please call the school office on 02 6862 4164 or send us a message.