The Art of the Swedish Death Clean

I recently learned from one of my colleagues about the Swedish Death Clean. An unusual name but after some explanation a very known concept. I’m sure some of us asked inanimate objects if they brought us joy a few years ago under the guidance of Marie Kondo or have been through the yearly Spring Clean; when you just feel it in the air it is time to dust off those shelves and say goodbye to some things that just aren’t as loved anymore. “Death cleaning is not about dusting or mopping up; it is about a permanent form of organization that makes your everyday life run more smoothly.”

I love stuff, especially stuff that has memories attached to it. So I am a big fan of keeping all the things. I still have some of my primary and high school books and a huge fluffy ALF toy from when I was a baby; I definitely got this love of stuff from my Mum and Dad. But, luckily I am an even bigger fan of a good clean out, organisation and throw away. 

I remember my first time walking into an Ikea and seeing all the possibilities of organisation. I thought ‘when I grow up I am going to have every organisational tool available and my home will be as organised as Ikea’. Well that isn’t quite me, I like a little chaos and I have embraced the miximalist lifestyle in many ways but that feeling of freedom in your mind when you have a good clean up is one to be embraced. 

As we are preparing for High School’s move into H Block (our new building) and further building projects about to start, we are having a good clean out and reorganise of areas around the school. We have a great team who are working hard to ensure this move is as easy as it can be with minimal disruption and with every room that is given the full Swedish Death Clean a little bit more joy is brought to my life as it frees up space for what comes next. We’ve found some really random things, sparked some memories and discussions and said goodbye to a whole lot of dust. 

If you tend to hoard things a little like me, the Swedish Death Clean is not all doom and gloom. We are told that “It is a delight to go through things and remember their worth.”

I’m all for keeping the things that add value to your life. I hold to that for material possessions, experiences, people, ideas and attitudes. Ultimately my worth is found in the Creator of all things and my treasure is not here and now surrounded by pretty objects or tubs of things but in eternity with Jesus. I can definitely see why every bit of dust wiped away is good for the soul. It allows you to see the truth in something and clears your mind to see the world through the eyes of Jesus. 

Enjoy a good Swedish Death Clean and have a great week everyone! 


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