Patience and Perseverance

As I sit to write this newsletter article, I am looking over the Ag Plot at PCS and thinking about where we have come from and the progress that has been made in my time here. 

When I started at PCS as a primary school classroom teacher, E Block was just being built, the ovals were mostly dirt and weeds, and the paddock next door had goats that kept jumping the fence into the car park. As it stands now, E Block has been changed into 2 Science labs, the oval is green and lush with a watering system installed, and the paddock next door is now G Block and soon to be H Block and a new car park. We have a beautiful Agriculture set-up with gardens, bees, sheep, cattle, aquaponics and a whole stack of space for outdoor learning. 

All of these things would not have been possible without patience and perseverance. Not everything happens overnight. Not every task is a quick one. Often they take planning, preparation and hard work. 

Over the past 10 weeks, our Agriculture students have been working with cattle to prepare them for the Spring Ag Shows in our district. They had to show patience when working with large animals that were not used to being handled. They also had to persevere because these animals had a mind of their own and after a few falls, bumps and bruises we won out and our cattle were ready for the show. 

Jesus also had to show patience and perseverance in His time on Earth. I can only imagine what he was thinking when he stood in front of the 5000 people and fed them all, or when he gave the Sermon on the Mount. Would He not have shown patience and perseverance in these moments? 

As we move towards the end of Term 3, with school holidays fast approaching, I would like to encourage you to slow down and take some time to appreciate the small things – they don’t always stay small. Maybe you are working on a large project or simply just trying to get through each day. Whatever your circumstance, know that patience is your friend. Things happen in time so don’t give up – persevere and you will succeed. In the words of Sir Winston Churchill ‘never give in, never give in… never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in.’

Have a great week, 

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