The Perspective of Appreciation

The great thing about working as a part of a team is seeing what each person adds to the group and the value that they provide to the big picture. I am blessed to work in a wonderful team of people at PCS who all come from various churches, families, towns and even countries. They all bring with them life lessons, skills and attitudes that add so much value to our school each day. They even appreciate my Broken Hill ways most days so they are a pretty good group as I do things and say things a little differently sometimes. When one of us is away or out of action the rest step up and show up when needed. This is something our students see day to day here. A group of people who support each other in many different ways. What a great life lesson they are seeing in action! It really is 1 Corinthians 12:12 in action; “There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ.” 

I’m very blessed to have ended up here but it wasn’t a straight forward journey and if you talk to many of our staff and families they could probably tell you a similar story. Teaching wasn’t always the dream and Parkes wasn’t always the destination and there have been many hiccups along the way. It is easy to look back through your life and see all the different experiences, lessons and skills learned and how they have brought you to your current circumstances with everything you need to overcome the challenge you face currently or solve the problem ahead. 

It is that time of the year where our Year 12 students have applied for all their university courses, are looking at job applications and are busy pondering what is next in life. They always ask advice on what is the best thing to do and in what order and I always encourage them that every single thing they do will help them in their future careers. It’s like working in a team, each member brings their best to get the job done and all have different knowledge and skills. Each risk you take, each job you take on and each lesson you learn will give you skills and abilities to be able to use in the next phase of your life. 

A great reminder to never discount the trials and challenges in your life or even those epic mistakes. What you learned and how you grow through those are just setting you up for success in whatever comes next. The tough lesson could just be your way of learning what you need to succeed for yourself or a team a little bit later down the track!

Have a great week everyone. 


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