There are a variety of things you see and hear when you spend some time in our school. Right now I can hear the taping away of keyboards from my Year 8 English class who have begun creating their own Science Fiction stories. They are weird and wonderful, the stories and the students, who have created people called Dyson, Great Grandpa Doug or Rayley Haso, planets called Bruno Mars, a storyline where anvils keep falling on people’s heads and the rise of technology taking control of mankind. You may be forgiven for thinking that technology has already taken over when you walk into our classroom and hear complete silence except for the tapping of the keyboard as students stare intently at their screens. If I listen beyond my classroom though you can hear the sounds of progress as well as the sounds of fun and learning!
We’ve had our builders on site for a while finishing off our temporary classrooms which have been affectionately named T Block and now they have started leveling out our new building which takes up the old carpark. It is exciting to see this project start and hear the machines in action as a great reminder of the many hours of work that goes into these types of projects to see them get to this point. It is also great to think of the future. I’ve had many conversations this week with students who are imagining what life will be like in the new building and I am sure many of them are praying for a quick finish to see the landscape of PCS change in their time here and for them to be able to experience the vision in action. It is wonderful to see our students joining in on the hope we have for the future of learning here at our school. Every single beep of the machinery is just one step closer to something amazing and I am excited!
In the midst of our writing exercise it was the sounds of laughter and splashing that distracted us all for just a moment. Even over the creativity and builders radio it was clear our Primary students and teachers were having fun with water balloons. When we peered out the window Mr Fredericks looked like he had been for a swim and Mr Westcott had joined a baseball league pitching the fast ball one after the other straight into the stomachs of Year 6. The students were definitely holding their own and it was great to catch a glimpse of this fun moment.
Soon our school will have a break from the sounds of people laughing and learning while we all get a well deserved rest and break to do all the fun things summer offers. But I definitely find myself counting down the days until we are all back here again enjoying everything PCS has to offer now and dreaming of all the cool things it will offer in the future.
Merry Christmas everyone!