
Change is as good as a holiday and this weekend the High School is all on summer holidays…well kind of! This week we ended our 2023 school year and celebrated a range of students at our Presentation Night. We spent Friday preparing our classrooms and teachers are busy this weekend writing programs and getting ready for 2024 classes. 

There is something about this time of the year that brings on huge changes and I know it is something that some people can struggle with while others embrace it. Monday sees us heading into new classes, new teachers and even a new car park so for someone who runs away from change it could be a difficult day.  

I am not a fan of change myself and I have worked hard over the years to find new ways to embrace it. Growing in my understanding of God and the wonderful stories he has given us in the Bible has been a huge part in helping me do this so if I can encourage anyone who is feeling apprehensive about change seek out how the inspiring people around us and in the Bible deal with change. 

As a Business Studies teacher I spend time also reading and listening to the thoughts of CEOs and leaders. As a way to manage change they boil it down to a list. 
Prioritise – think about what to focus on and what to move down the list in the midst of change
Trust – have faith in the people around you making decisions 
Simplify – in the midst of change keep it simple and focused
Prepare – put yourself in the right mindset for change and do what you need to do to make it successful

In Isaiah 43:19 it says “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” God does amazing things in the midst of change. So whatever your mindset is coming into next week hopefully you can experience some joy in the midst of changes and be blessed by whatever comes next! 

Happy 2024 High School. 


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