Year 7 have made a great start in our Biblical Studies Lessons. We started the year by viewing a very helpful video which gave us an insightful glimpse into the structure of the Bible. We were able to focus in on the fact that although the Bible contains 66 separate books written over a period of more than 1500 years, it tells one incredible story with Jesus as the central focus of the whole Bible. The video showed the students the main historical events of the Bible and helped them to see that every story points to Jesus. This is a great little video to watch with your children (great for all ages). Here is the link to the video clip. I would encourage you to take a look: .
Year 7 took a few minutes during their first lesson to each write down a question that they have about God or about what it means to be a Christian. These questions were very thoughtfully written, and showed a real maturity and a desire to grow in their understanding of God. We will take some time over the coming months to look at each question.
For the next 10 lessons Year 7 will be completing “Youth Alpha” which is a fantastic, informative, entertaining and thought provoking tool for engaging our students in conversations about the importance of having faith in Jesus. The series prompts discussion and thought about what it is to have faith, who is Jesus, why and how to read the Bible, how and why we pray, why go to church, who is the Holy Spirit and how is He active in our lives. Let’s pray together that our young people will come to know how valuable they are to Jesus, that He knows each of them by name, that they are each precious in His sight and He desires a very real and personal relationship with each one of them (and each one of us adults as well!).