Last week was the first full week back at PCS and the Primary students took hold and ran with all the activities available to them.
Within each of the different Primary classrooms from Kindergarten to Year 6 sat one or more new students. These new students, in their freshly pressed uniforms, joined in the class activities and by the end of the week each class moved as one cohesive unit; difficult to tell if anyone was still learning the PCS ropes.
This was especially evident with two new Year 6 students. Year 6 are buddied up with a Kindergarten student to help them in the playground during recess and lunch. The older student assists the younger student during eating time, explains what the half bell means and how it is different to the end of lunch bell. They remind them where the bathroom and bubblers are, but especially they demonstrate how to play with kindness and fairness on the play equipment.
Last week it was a joy to watch these two new students at PCS quickly learn the locations around the school and interact with kindness and enthusiasm with their Kindergarten buddy.
It was fabulous to see them engage in conversations over eating time, demonstrate and play tips or build sand castles with their young buddies, but most of all displaying the school culture of serving others with kindness and joy.
The best part of watching the buddies and Kindergarten students interact last week, was that these two new students were a part of a much larger class of Year 6 returning students who were all demonstrating these wonderful traits to their younger buddies. Amazing job Year 6; Kindergarten buddies greatly appreciated your time.
The Primary classes have new faces within each of them but there is only one school culture that shines through them all.
Great job Primary school, keep shining bright!