Year 8 are a bunch of entertainers, and very talented at whatever they put their mind to. Mrs Wilson and Miss Oates, along with Mr Clifton, meet with Year 8 every morning for a question of the day which include hilarious gems such as; Would you rather win $10,000 or let your best friend win $100,000? or Is cereal soup? We don’t just have a laugh each morning we also pray for each other, our school and our world and read devotions together too.
This year classes are graded for English and Maths so Year 8 get to join with Year 7 and access these subjects at a variety of levels. Year 8 also get to learn about a wide range of topics from discussing the adverse effects of drug use in PDH to how to do a correct push up for the Push Up Challenge in PE. Our boys have even been designing, building and testing catapults. They used projectile lollies and completed 2 challenges. The first challenge was the furthest distance and the 2nd was a 5 metre target challenge.
We need to make special mention of a new addition to our class Lara Bennett who was chosen for State Hockey representation a few weeks ago. We are so proud of the efforts our Year 8 class has put into their learning so far this year and look forward to see what they can do this year!