Our 2020 PCS swimming carnival was once again another huge success with all students, staff and family members enjoying a day of friendly rivalry and spirited swimming. One of the highlights was seeing everybody getting into the spirit of their Houses with the grand entrance of each House into the Parkes Pool at the start of the day. It was a sight to behold with a sea of red, yellow and blue rolling into the grounds. Special mention goes to team Endurance who were lucky enough to have the ‘Wynstra factor’ on their side with Mr Wynstra constructing a 3 metre shark with moving parts that was proudly carried by the students as their mascot. All day there were chants and cheers from each House, led by the House Captains which created a wonderful atmosphere.

With the efficiency of the recording team (Miss Oates and Mr Ballantyne), we were able to give regular House points updates throughout the day which spurred on the swimmers to keep trying their best at all times to earn points for their House. The hot weather on the day certainly helped to increase participation rates in all races with everyone wanting to gain a reprieve from the heat. Even some members of staff were spotted organising others to accidentally (on purpose) push them fully clothed into the pool just to escape the intense heat of the day. At the completion of the carnival, the age champions were announced and will be presented their trophies during a school assembly in the near future. Congratulations to Discovery who was the overall House winner of the Carnival with 386 points. Endurance came in second with 321 points and Endeavour came in a close third with 306 points.
Well done everybody for helping us stage another successful Swimming Carnival! Also, a big thanks goes to Mr Ballantyne and his team for all the organising of the day.